Thursday, May 20, 2010

Gaga goes Treacy

Love it! Just got the latest scoop on the newest millinery intern- none other than Ms. Gaga herself! According to the Huffington Post and Shiny Style Lady Gaga is interested in making her own fantastic headwear and learning from the master (and my old mentor) Philip Treacy. She'll surely get the best education in town but wait till she learns about the hours! The Post says she'll be making coffee but I can report that he likes tea- extra hot. I would love to return for a day to see what happens, and I can't wait to see what they come up with.

Also adore this Philip quote in the Guardian :

At lease she (Lady G) follows the golden rule- keeping the hat on. "You wouldn't take your underwear off at an event would you?" he said. "You miss the whole point if you take it off"

Emilliner says amen.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Waterproof Fascinator- My Day at the Derby

At long last my Derby update! Despite the rainy weather we had a jolly time thanks to good company and a little Kentucky bourbon. As it became clear that the weather wasn't going to cooperate I let go of my visions of the grand feather bedecked sinamay creation and opt for a waterproof fascinator. The blue crinoline burst with roses was the perfect compliment to my yellow poncho and rain boots. Although I didn't see as many cool hats as I had expected, the hat wearing spirit was still alive (somewhere in all that mud) and I have high hopes for next year.